Welcome to the Cardano Playground Repository
Cardano is a decentralized third-generation proof-of-stake blockchain platform and home to the ada cryptocurrency. It is the first blockchain platform to evolve out of a scientific philosophy and a research-first driven approach.
Things you'll find here:
Use the nagivation panel on the left to explore The Cardano Book.
The official Cardano Environment configuration files.
Environment description and configuration files available are:
Environment: Sanchonet Testnet
IoE Sanchonet pools and bootstrap relays have been stopped as Sanchonet has fulfilled its purpose.
Environment: Preview Testnet
Usage: Testing release candidates and mainnet releases. Leads mainnet hard forks by at least 4 weeks.
Ideally stays long running. Only if an issue is found after it forks that's breaking should it be respun.
Epoch length of 1 day. Development flags allowed in configuration files.
Upgrade Strategy:
- Release Candidates - 1/3 of nodes
- Official Releases - 2/3 of nodes
- Hard forks - all nodes
- Community requested to only deploy release candidates and official releases
Changes Requested by: Release Squad Lead
Approvals Required: SRE Tribe Lead, Cardano Head of Engineering, Cardano Head of Architecture
Responsible: IOG SRE
Accountable: Head of SRE/Release Squad Lead
Consulted: SPOs
Informed: Cardano Core Tribe, COO, Director of Engineering
Configuration files
Compatible with cardano-node release 10.1.4
The non-block-producer node config has `PeerSharing` enabled by
default, so should not be used with block-producers.
Additionally, avoid connecting a block-producer not using p2p to a p2p
PeerSharing enabled relay as the block-producer's IP will be leaked.
- Node Config (Non-block-producers -- see note above)
- Node Config (Block-producers)
- DB Sync Config
- Submit API Config
- Node Topology
- Byron Genesis
- Shelley Genesis
- Alonzo Genesis
- Conway Genesis
- Compiled guardrails script
Guardrails reference script UTxO
For convenience, the guardrails script has been put on a UTxO so that it can be used as reference script in Treasury Withdrawal and Protocol Parameter Change proposals.
Guardrails script address: addr_test1wrazf7es2yngqh8jzexpv8v99g88xvx0nz83le2cea755eqf68ll6
Guardrails script UTxO: f3f61635034140e6cec495a1c69ce85b22690e65ab9553ef408d524f58183649#0
Environment: Pre-Production Testnet
Usage: Testing release candidates and mainnet releases. Forks at approximately same time as mainnet (within an epoch of each other).
Long running. Since this parallels mainnet, if a bug occurs here, it needs fixed properly and can not be respun.
Upgrade Strategy:
- Release Candidates - 1/3 of nodes
- Official Releases - 2/3 of nodes
- Hard forks - all nodes
- Community requested to only deploy release candidates and official releases
Changes Requested by: Release Squad Lead
Approvals Required: SRE Tribe Lead, Cardano Head of Engineering, Cardano Head of Architecture, CF Representative
Responsible: IOG SRE
Accountable: Head of SRE/Release Squad Lead
Consulted: SPOs, IOG Tribes
Informed: Cardano Core Tribe, COO, Director of Engineering, VP Community
Configuration files
Compatible with cardano-node release 10.1.4
The non-block-producer node config has `PeerSharing` enabled by
default, so should not be used with block-producers.
Additionally, avoid connecting a block-producer not using p2p to a p2p
PeerSharing enabled relay as the block-producer's IP will be leaked.
- Node Config (Non-block-producers -- see note above)
- Node Config (Block-producers)
- DB Sync Config
- Submit API Config
- Node Topology
- Byron Genesis
- Shelley Genesis
- Alonzo Genesis
- Conway Genesis
- Compiled guardrails script
Guardrails reference script UTxO
For convenience, the guardrails script has been put on a UTxO so that it can be used as reference script in Treasury Withdrawal and Update Protocol Parameter proposals.
Guardrails script address: addr_test1wrazf7es2yngqh8jzexpv8v99g88xvx0nz83le2cea755eqf68ll6
Guardrails script UTxO: 9aabbac24d1e39cb3e677981c84998a4210bae8d56b0f60908eedb9f59efffc8#0
Environment: Production (Mainnet)
Usage: Live Production. Only gets official mainnet releases.
Upgrade Strategy:
- Official Releases - Deploy 1 pool and it's relays every 24 hours
- Community requested to only deploy official releases
Changes Requested by: Release Squad Lead
Approvals Required: SRE Tribe Lead, IOG Executive Team, CF Executive Team
Responsible: IOG SRE Accountable: Head of SRE/Release Squad Lead
Consulted: SPOs, IOG Tribes, IOG Executive Team
Informed: Cardano Core Tribe, COO, IOG Director of Engineering, IOG VP Community
Configuration files
Compatible with cardano-node release 10.1.4
The non-block-producer node config has `PeerSharing` enabled by
default, so should not be used with block-producers.
Additionally, avoid connecting a block-producer not using p2p to a p2p
PeerSharing enabled relay as the block-producer's IP will be leaked.
- Node Config (Non-block-producers -- see note above)
- Node Config (Block-producers)
- DB Sync Config
- Submit API Config
- Node Topology
- Node Topology (Non-bootstrap-peers)
- Byron Genesis
- Shelley Genesis
- Alonzo Genesis
- Conway Genesis
- Compiled guardrails script
Guardrails reference script UTxO
For convenience, the guardrails script has been put on a UTxO so that it can be used as reference script in Treasury Withdrawal and Protocol Parameter Change proposals.
Guardrails script address: addr1w8azf7es2yngqh8jzexpv8v99g88xvx0nz83le2cea755eqjjnrsl
Guardrails script UTxO: dc06746a898fd230f164f47a3d749348b65655b8fb388ff275f54d62891653e2#0
Advanced Configurations
Pre-release configurations for select cardano environments can be found here.
Advanced environment configuration files available are:
Advanced Configuration: Preview Testnet
There is currently no pre-release version available for the preview environment.
The latest version available is cardano-node release 10.1.4
Configuration files
Compatible with cardano-node release 10.1.4
The non-block-producer node config has `PeerSharing` enabled by
default, so should not be used with block-producers.
Additionally, avoid connecting a block-producer not using p2p to a p2p
PeerSharing enabled relay as the block-producer's IP will be leaked.
- Node Config (Non-block-producers -- see note above)
- Node Config (Block-producers)
- DB Sync Config
- Submit API Config
- Node Topology
- Byron Genesis
- Shelley Genesis
- Alonzo Genesis
- Conway Genesis
- Compiled guardrails script
Advanced Configuration: Pre-Production Testnet
There is currently no pre-release version available for the pre-production environment.
The latest version available is cardano-node release 10.1.4
Configuration files
Compatible with cardano-node release 10.1.4
The non-block-producer node config has `PeerSharing` enabled by
default, so should not be used with block-producers.
Additionally, avoid connecting a block-producer not using p2p to a p2p
PeerSharing enabled relay as the block-producer's IP will be leaked.
- Node Config (Non-block-producers -- see note above)
- Node Config (Block-producers)
- DB Sync Config
- Submit API Config
- Node Topology
- Byron Genesis
- Shelley Genesis
- Alonzo Genesis
- Conway Genesis
- Compiled guardrails script
Plutus Cost Model
Plutus cost model updates available are:
Plutus Cost Model: 2024-07-30
Environments updated:
- Mainnet
- Preprod
- Preview
Configuration: link
Plutus Cost Model: 2023-02-14
Environments updated:
- Mainnet
- Preprod
- Preview
Configuration: link
Plutus Cost Model: 2022-11-05
Environments updated:
- Preview
Configuration: link
Plutus Cost Model: 2022-07-01
Environments updated:
- Mainnet
- Preprod
Configuration: link